Let Your Words Flow

Let Your Words Flow
Let Your Words Flow

Monday, January 23, 2012

Starting over?

Okay, I am starting over on the blog stuff.  I was having problems posting on other blog sites using Word Press and Open ID, so I joined most of you and will be using Blogger from now on.

Speaking of starting over.  Have you done your weekly, or monthly or daily back-up yet?  I do a weekly back up.  One to my desk top, and one to a flash drive.  I have never really liked the idea of using one of those online sites.  Guess I’m old school.  I don’t want my writings sitting somewhere out in cyber space, not that I have anything someone would want to plagiarize.  I have considered leaving a copy of my flash drive at my sister’s house.  Just in case.

That’s what’s on my mind today.  What’s on yours.

Thanks for coming to my new site.  Hope all my old visitors make it here.


  1. Yikes, I haven't backed up in a while...thanks for the reminder!

    1. When I started setting up this blog, It made me think of what it would be like if I had to re-write all of my stories and articles.

      I back up once a week. This was the main reason for the post; to remind us.

  2. Hi Rick,
    I like your new blog! Where did you get the side columns, were they one of the blogger templates? At any rate, they're cool. I have an external drive, and I also back up once a week. Unless I'm starting something new, or I'm in the process of a major rewrite, then I back it up as soon as I'm finished. I've have one major computer crash, and lost everything, so all I have to do is think of that, and I'm heading for the backup drive.

    1. Hi, Mikki. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you backup, but hate to hear about you losing everything.

      The side columns are one of the blogger backgrounds. It reminds me of my audience. Each drawing can take me off into a thousand ideas. At first I wondered if it was too busy, but I'm getting used to it.

  3. Most of the time, I back up on a flash drive at the end of each day of writing. Anything I have worked on that day gets backed up. Unfortunately I haven't remembered to do that in a while. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. That's great that you back up after every day of writing. I may have to try to get in the habit of that.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, it's taking some getting used to, in the set up and all, but I'm learning.

  5. Glad to see you decided to come to blogger. Wordpress is cool, but blogger seems more reliable. Welcome!

    1. Yeah, I would respond to other blogs and have to fight with my Word Press Id to get it to post. I like this better. I'm still learning some of the stuff, but I'll get there.
