It’s January, the middle of winter. We live at the edge of a wooded area. There is a small area we call the swamp. It stays filled with water most of the year. One summer, when we had a drought, we even ran a hose from a natural spring to flood it to keep thousands of tadpoles from dying. Kermit would have been proud. We helped save the frogs. Prince Charles would have been proud.
Each spring, when the weather starts to warm up, the froggy goes a courtin’. They sound like a flock of turkeys. The next day, we have thousands of eggs in the swamp area.
This is not the first time this has happened, but a couple of days ago, when the weather started to warm up, we heard turkeys. Now we have thousands of eggs we know will freeze and be destroyed. This happened a couple of years ago. The frogs don’t give up. After the freeze, they do their turkey calls again and then we have more eggs.
What does this have to do with writing, you may ask. Well It made me think of false starts. Like the frogs, sometimes I get started writing and for some reason, “freeze” and have to start over.
Just my thought for Monday.
What’s yours?