Check out Jed Doherty's podcast today! Reading With Your Kids. Guess who his guest is. We talk about Blues Bones, Magic Tricks, and a lot more.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
The Rocking Writers performing You Can Go in a Story. Recorded live!
Rocking Writers performing at the SCBWI MidSouth KidLit Dinner 2017
Debbie Dadey and Rick Starkey are the Rocking Writers.
I had a blast singing our original reading song with the fabulous Debbie Dadey at the SCBWI Midsouth 2017 Conference!
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Party Time Again!
September, 29 2017
Come join us at the SCBWI Autograph Party Friday, September 29 at 7:30 pm. It’s free and open to the public. Meet some great authors and pick up some great books. Embassy Suites Nashville South, Cool Springs 820 Crescent Centre Dr – Franklin, TN 37067Monday, August 7, 2017
Back to School Bash at B&N Chattanooga
a party at B&N Chattanooga! I'm excited to have been invited. You are too, so come on out August 26!
The authors include:
George Bove (The Little Orange t)
Debbie Dadey (Mermaid Tales and Bailey School Kids series) AND Guest of Honor at our Mermaid Party starting at 1pm!
Stephanie Faris (Piper Morgan series and Best.Night.Ever.)
J Elliott Kay (The King's Elite series)
Angelique Monet (The Bravest Worrier)
Rick Starkey (Blues Bones)
Click here for more information!
Friday, May 19, 2017
You Can Go In A Story! Summer Reading Song Video!
What better way to celebrate summer reading than with song and dance! It's here, the new summer reading song video from writer friend, Debbie Dadey, (author of The Mermaid Tales and The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids, and others) and me. So, we supply the song, and you supply the dance. Don’t worry, no one will see you. Is your web cam turned off?
Be sure to check out Debbie Dadey's website for some great summer reads and other fun stuff!
Click here and enjoy! Feel free to pass the link
on to your friends.
Happy Summer!
Oh, it’s still spring. That’s okay, but summer is
on its way. The time of year children are out of school. Time to swim, time to
fish, time to hang out, time to be bored! One of the best parts of summer is
the Summer Reading Program. Schools have lists available. Local libraries have
programs. Some bookstores even have special deals for summer readers. For A List of Summer Reading Programs for Kids
That Give Free Books, Money and More, check out this site:
Hey, writers get paid to do what they
love, what’s wrong with children getting paid or getting free stuff for doing
what they love doing.
By the way, If anyone asks you how to get to Carnegie Hall, just tell them, "You Can Go In A Story!" See Cassandra Live at Carnegie Hall!
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Summer Reading Music Video!
It's almost here!
A music video for you from my writer friend, Debbie Dadey, and me to celebrate Summer Reading!
Monday, April 17, 2017
Another Jessica Bayliss cover reveal – BREATHLESS
A brush with death brings Leah closer to the ghosts she longs to find and throws her into the arms of the troubled scuba instructor who saves her.
Dale, an Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran, is haunted by his own restless spirits. He's on a hunt for forgiveness, and the Caribbean Sea is his hunting ground.
The peace they search for lies in the bond they never suspected they shared.
They say write what you know, so Jessica Bayliss did. Her story, BREATHLESS, was inspired by her own experience running out of air on a scuba dive—except without all the steamy romance and eerie paranormal happenings. Alas, real life. Obviously, she survived. Her genre-bending fiction holds a little something for everyone. A lover of ghost tales and horror since her days scanning VHS rental shelves—admittedly with eyes half-averted from the gory covers—a touch of the mysterious always finds a home in Jessica’s work. Romance with a dash of supernatural. Horror with a bit of humor. You get the gist. Jessica also writes across age groups and is a firm believer in the motto: there is a new reader born every day, whether young or not-so-young.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Look for her upcoming releases: TEN PAST CLOSING, a YA contemporary thriller (Sky Pony Press, Spring 2018), and BROKEN CHORDS, a YA horror novella (Leap Books, October 2017). You can find her story “Care of the Undead Dog” in ZOMBIE CHUNKS, which came out earlier this year. Read about all of Jessica’s books and stories here.
Connect with Jessica online:
Monday, April 10, 2017
Broken Chords by Jessica Bayliss Cover Reveal!
They rip, they tear, they FEED, and you never come back again.
Release date: October 2nd 2017
Here’s how last year’s Gypsy Cob Music Festival should have gone. Lenora “Lenny” Ragno was supposed to rock her duet with her long-time crush, Jeb, during the open-mic competition. Then, swept up in the glow of success, he’d finally kiss her. Instead, Lenny choked on stage and spent the whole year dodging him online. And avoiding playing her fiddle in public. She thought her worst nightmare was behind her, but she was way wrong.
Now, she’s back at Gypsy Cob where avoiding a public performance is about as impossible as hiding from Jeb. She thinks facing him will be the scariest part of the festival, but when one of their friends talks everyone into trying astral projection, Lenny catches the eye of a demonic entity that marks her as its own.
Now, whenever it wants, the demon can pluck Lenny from her reality and transport her to a hellish between-world, haunted by its countless, gruesome victims. If she doesn’t want to become one of them, she must discover the nature of the demon’s hold on her and remove it. But how can she defeat a literal demon when she can’t even get over her personal ones?
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About the Author

Jessica Bayliss is a fiction author who loves all things reading and writing. Her genre-bending fiction holds a little something for everyone. A lover of ghost tales and horror since her days scanning VHS rental shelves–admittedly with eyes half-averted from the gory covers–a touch of the mysterious always finds a home in Jessica’s work. Romance with a dash of supernatural. Horror with a bit of humor. You get the gist. Jessica also writes across age groups and is a firm believer in the motto, there is a new reader born every day, whether young or not-so-young. Because one cannot live on writing alone, Jessica also spends a great deal of time with friends and family. She is a lover of all animals especially one very special Havanese and one extremely ornery cockatiel. She also loves to eat, cook, and exercise–in that order–and is a firm believer that coffee makes the world a better place.
Jessica also has stories in several of Leap Books anthologies: Beware the Little White Rabbit and Fright Before Christmas.
Author Links:
GIVEAWAY: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cover Reveal Organized
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Meeting SuperHeroes at an author visit.
Thursday I met some wonderful students along with Media
Specialist, Chris Prince, at the Whitworth-Buchanan Middle School in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
In the
library, I was greeted with a banner and my book’s name on the Lego Wall! I
heard the Lego guitar was hard to make.
I started by greeting each student and handing
them a SuperHero themed playing card as they entered.
My presentation was all
about focus and teamwork as it relates becoming a published
I opened my presentation with a magic trick asking
all the students to focus on a volunteer and the card he had selected. I asked
the volunteer to focus on his freely selected card as he held the box of cards
above his head. When everyone focused, the chosen card ascended from the box
like magic.
I continued with my story about how my own lack of
focus in my school days left me at a disadvantage. Especially when I decided I
wanted to become a writer. It took years for my SuperHero to arrive and tell
me that instead of leaving my dream on a shelf of becoming a writer, I should do something about it and become a writer. My wife is that Hero.
One grammar course and a writing course later,
along with conferences, workshops, books on the craft, focus, and teamwork with
others, I was on my way.
The first time my SuperHero slide appeared in my
presentation she was preceded with my catchphrase, “Whoosh!” After that, every
time I would cup my hand at my ear, the group would respond with and audible, “Whoosh!”
and my superhero would show up again.
I illustrated teamwork with another magic effect and
the help of eight other students.
I concluded by reminding the students they each have SuperHeroes in their lives they may not know about. Those heroes include
teachers, family, friends, and the adults around them. I also reminded them that
they are each SuperHeroes. Within themselves they each have the power to make
their own dreams come true.
I had a blast, and think the students had fun too.
After questions about my book, and the writing/publishing process, I
think every student stood in line to have me sign those SuperHero cards. (I
signed a few books too!)
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