Let Your Words Flow

Let Your Words Flow
Let Your Words Flow

Monday, February 27, 2012

Plot or Character?

Plot or character?  Do you like plot driven or character driven stories? 


  1. I really enjoy stories with strong characters. :)

  2. I like character driven stories best too.

  3. I prefer character driven stories - both reading them and writing them.

  4. Thanks, Claudine, The Muse and Inluvwithwords. I'm kinda tossed between the two. I guess character driven is better. Once you know and care for the character, you will follow (read) them anywhere just to see what they will do.

  5. I like stories where the characters and the plot drive each other. ;) I'm not a one or the other person. I do like a lot of plot though. For me, books need solid plots to survive. But if I don't love the characters or feel strongly about them, I won't care about the plot. So I guess I'm saying I need both. ;)

  6. I enjoy a story with both strong characters and plot. But have to admit that if the plot isn't so good but the characters are strong, I will most likely still enjoy the story. But if the characters are boring, then I may not complete the story and even find out what the plot was to begin with! So I guess I'll change my answer to strong characters are most important to me.

  7. Rick, I gave you an award on my blog. Stop by to claim it.
